state:in the series
I thought this year's speech would be difficult to handle, but I didn't expect Li Zheng's work to be so impressive. Zhou Yuanli sighed in admiration towards Wen Yanqi, "This is a promising seedling. I originally thought I had to rewrite it, but the material he brought is quite good.",At the end of the year, the various departments and bureaus of Mingdu Hotel held their annual summary meetings in quick succession. Duan Renwu, following normal reporting procedures, couldn't get a spot on the agenda. Zhang Xinyue used his connections to arrange a meeting for the department.,Duan Renwu said to people, "Nowadays, even holding a meeting requires finding connections!" Somehow, this remark reached Zhang Xinyue's ears. Zhang Xinyue then said, "Do I have to be involved in organizing a meeting Am I the director" However, these words didn't reach Duan Renwu. 。。